UKOOG welcomes Government decision to lift moratorium on fracking in England

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UKOOG welcomes Government decision to lift moratorium on fracking in England

8th September 2022

Charles McAllister, Director of UK Onshore Oil and Gas said:

“UKOOG welcomes the decision to lift the moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in England, given the new geopolitical realities. Lifting the moratorium demonstrates sensible foresight from the new Government and gives our members the chance to progress in developing natural gas from the abundant Bowland-Hodder shale formation under the North of England.

The development of UK shale gas offers community benefits, tax revenue, tens of thousands of well-paid and skilled jobs, a real chance to level up the UK and energy security. Imports offer none of these benefits.

UK shale gas production can also be instrumental in delivering the goals of Net Zero and the Energy Security Strategy.

We look forward to working constructively with Government to deliver timely shale gas production in the national interest, as well as working closely with local communities to ensure they share in the benefits of domestic shale gas development”


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