UKOOG statement on the much-needed fracking review

UKOOG statement on the much-needed fracking review

5 April 2022

UKOOG and its members welcome the UK Government's review of the moratorium on the much-needed extraction of UK shale gas.

Commenting on the announcement of the review, Charles McAllister, Policy Manager at UKOOG said:

"We have always maintained that we can operate safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.

"Developing UK shale gas resources can reduce gas prices, reduce our carbon footprint by replacing imports, improve our balance of payments and the country's tax revenues, alongside job creation in areas where they are most needed, as part of the Government's levelling up agenda.

"We appreciate that the Government has listened to our logical arguments.

"There is recognised long term natural gas demand in all of the Climate Change Committee's scenarios. With the right Government support, which instructs relevant departments and regulators to facilitate expedient shale gas development in the national interest, our operators can produce significant volumes of natural gas quickly. Failure to do so will ensure the supply issues and high prices of the last 8 months will continue to occur.

"Should the Government support our position following the review, we will begin what should have continued years ago and press on with one of the greatest economic, environmental, and geopolitical opportunities the UK has seen in a generation.

"We look forward to positive, objective, and constructive engagement with the UK Government."


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